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Living With The Monks - Book Review

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

Book was reviewed by: Keith Hertling

Jesse Itzler is an entrepreneur turned motivational speaker.  He has run 100 miles in under 24 hours more than once, lived with a Navy Seal where he pushed every physical limit possible, and is always looking to build his life resume. 

He has written two books, “Living With The Monks” and “Living With A Seal”.  I have now read both and highly recommend them both if you’re looking for an easy, but inspirational read, ready to laugh out loud, and can handle an occasional f-bomb or two.


Jesse, being a self-proclaimed challenge enthusiast, hosts a yearly competition at his home in Connecticut called “Hell on the Hill.”  The objective is to run one hundred times up and down the long, steep hill in his backyard – without passing out and being taken away by ambulance.  After a buddy of his completed Hell on the Hill by over an hour earlier than everyone else, he challenged Jesse to summit Mt. Washington, one of the steepest mountains in all of North America.  Jesse of course took the challenge, and while on this adventure (that I won’t spoil for you – but it is hilarious!!), he realized how out of touch he was with time.  He wasn’t feeling very present with life.  So Jesse gave himself a self-imposed time out … at a monastery in Upstate New York. 


Jesse journaled his two-week stay at New Skete Monastery (Russian Orthodox) and the lessons he learned while there:

 Key Takeaways

1.     How you do anything is how you do everything.  The brothers at the monastery taught him that whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.  It’s how you do the small things that matter. 

2.     Time is what we want most but use the worst.  If your relationship with time is out of balance, it’s time to put time into perspective. 

3.     The best have a process.  Anyone from professional athletes to successful business people have a system.  Get up early, plan out tomorrow the night before, maximize the day, and don’t get frustrated about problems – it’s all how you approach the issues.

4.     Happiness Test – give yourself a score of 0-10 on your happiness level.  Most will say 6 or 7, which would be a C- or failing grade in school.  If you think about the 2 or 3 areas of your life that you struggle with, focus on bettering yourself in these areas to bring your score up.

5.     Dodge the arrows.  Distractions = Arrows - Block out distractions so they don’t sidetrack you and divert your focus to trivial matters.  Stay focused.

6.     Go where you think the best – and spend time there when you are faced with decisions you need to make.  Make sure to write down your ideas while you are there so you can prioritize and attack your goals.

7.     Monotask!!!!!  If you monotask, you are able to focus on quality, not quantity.  Work with your hands, pray with your heart.

8.     Make a contract with yourself.  How do you want to live your life?  Thank God first and foremost.  Have gratitude, be present and patient, and give of yourself to others. 

9.     Experience is overrated.  If you spend your time researching, studying, and observing, you will miss out on opportunities.  You can succeed with no experience in a certain field.  Build your life resume by taking a chance.

10. Build Your Edge – effort is the true source of pride, not results.  By accessing your own courage, you engage your instinctual drive to survive. 

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